Frequently Asked Questions

What is SmallWorld?

How is SmallWorld different from other professional networks or methods of seeing who is connected to whom?

Who is a Requester?

Who are eligible Requesters?

Who is a Connector?

Who are eligible Connectors?

What are Eligible Connector Incentives?

Do I have to upload my connections to SmallWorld to participate as a Connector?

Does SmallWorld integrate with my CRM application?

How is relationship strength determined?

How does a Requester choose the right Connector?

How do I use Salesforce as a Requester?

How do I get started as a Connector?

Can I be a Connector for more than one company?

As a Connector, when should I use SmallWorld?

How are Connectors incentivized to make warm introductions?

For any other questions please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]