Recent Product Updates

August 6, 2024

SmallWorld in Slack

An Introduction Request Message sent through the Slack App
An Introduction Request Message sent through the Slack App

We are excited to announce our new Slack integration for active users in SmallWorld!

With SmallWorld in Slack, we are making it even easier for revenue teams to enable warm introductions across the entire ecosystem of their business.

Now, rating relationship strength, responding to introduction requests, seeing high-priority accounts, and engaging in synchronous messaging about an opportunity has never been easier for eligible Connectors.

Whether it’s board members, executives, advisors, partners, investors, customers, or any employee, SmallWorld in Slack empowers them to easily signal where they can create new access to target prospects - often the difference between winning and losing an important deal.

Equally important is that new connectors in SmallWorld no longer have to access introduction requests on the platform or through email. They can instantaneously respond to requests and submit relationship strength through Slack where it’s more convenient and accessible.

This drives higher participation rates and further distances SmallWorld from the slow, manual process of making ad hoc requests into “blind connections” and managing the process through a spreadsheet.

All tracked and managed through SmallWorld and/or Salesforce so teams can continue to receive daily “relationship leads” and have visibility into the status of introductions and overall business results.

Learn more about our new Slack integration and other upcoming product updates by contacting us at!  

The SmallWorld Team

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July 16, 2024

High Priority Accounts, Salesforce Analytics Sync, and more!

View metrics like Relationship and Introduction Counts within Salesforce
View metrics like Relationship and Introduction Counts within Salesforce

High Priority Target Companies

First, we’ve launched a new feature that allows both Requesters and Account Admins to mark target companies as “High Priority.”  This feature helps Connectors quickly see in their dashboard which accounts are most important based on specific criteria your team has chosen. These can include competitive deals, at-risk accounts, large transactions that are further down the pipeline, etc. and need better visibility. Because this is dynamic, it replaces a static spreadsheet and provides context to the Connectors as to why the account has been chosen as “High Priority”.  Users can add or update these High Priority accounts directly from the “Target Companies” tab located under “Prospects” in the header in our platform. With this new feature, our Relationship AI will also look at additional clues such as work history and location to identify potential paths from Connectors across the business.  

Salesforce Analytics Sync

Next, we’re excited to announce the Salesforce Analytics Sync, which syncs new valuable relationship data from SmallWorld directly into Salesforce, enhancing your ability to track and analyze this data from within Salesforce. When enabled, you’ll see the following values stored on the Account object:

  1. Total Relationship Count at a Given Account: View the total count of relationships (of any strength rating) you have at a given account to identify all the potential paths of engagement into that account.
  2. Total Relationship Lead Count: See how many of your relationships at a given account are rated as “Strong" or “Very Strong” so you can prioritize these relationships and have greater predictability of a successful introduction.
  3. Total Number of Introductions per Account: Track the total number of introductions per account to inform org chart mapping and account planning.
  4. Number of Saved Relationship Leads: See all saved relationships to help build deal teams and enlist exec connectivity at the right time.

These metrics, stored on the account object, allow you to filter Salesforce dashboards and reports based on relationships or introductions in SmallWorld, adding a valuable layer of insight for leveraging your network. To opt-in and start using Salesforce Analytics Sync, simply visit this URL and toggle the “Analytics Sync” on.

Expanded Intent Integration

Lastly, we wanted to update you on the expansion of our intent integration module. SmallWorld helps companies maximize the value of their 3rd party intent data by combining it with our relationship strength data to make it more actionable and valuable for sales teams. Not only does it help identify the best path into a prioritized account, but it informs the context of the request and makes it more relevant for the Connector. With this new feature, we can integrate 6sense data seamlessly into our platform and within Salesforce where it’s visible alongside rated relationships.  By combining this intent data with relationship intelligence, sales teams can craft introduction requests into target prospects with more credibility and engage senior-level decision makers at accounts already in buying mode.

Watch a short video walk-through of high priority Target Companies
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May 28, 2024

Multi-channel Introduction Requests

As we continue to improve the user experience in SmallWorld, we realized that many of our customers wanted more flexibility in how their requests are sent and received by Connectors via email. More specifically, many of them wanted to use the tools and relationship intelligence in SmallWorld, but preferred a direct email from themselves (vs. having the email be sent by SmallWorld). This was especially true when the Requester already knew the Connector or the Connector had made it clear this was their preferred method of getting requests.

As a result, we’ve now added new functionality for Requesters to choose which method they prefer where they can toggle back and forth depending on the Connector, type of request, and their preferred channel for initial outreach.

This will help expedite the introduction process for many Requesters while giving Connectors the ability to more easily forward the ghost email authored in SmallWorld as well. We hope this new feature makes it faster and easier for all our users to engage target prospects and look forward to your feedback as you start using this new feature!

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May 16, 2024

Enhanced Relationship Leads Management for Account Admins

We’re thrilled to introduce an enhanced feature for Account Admins to maximize the value of Relationship Leads in SmallWorld.

What are Relationship Leads?

Relationship Leads are one of the most valuable signals in SmallWorld, offering verified “strong” or “very strong” relationships into target accounts. These leads boast a conversion rate of over 56% on introduction requests, making them a powerful tool for building deal teams, accelerating access to decision-makers, multi-threading, and increasing conversion rates.

New Feature for Admins

We've discovered that many valuable relationship ratings fall outside designated target accounts and aren't assigned to a registered Requester, resulting in missed opportunities. To address this, we've introduced a new feature allowing Admins to assign these unassigned Relationship Leads to the appropriate Requester or invite new Requesters to join SmallWorld.

How It Works

As an Admin, you can access these unassigned Relationship Leads via the Relationship Lead header. From there, you can assign leads to the appropriate Requester, ensuring no valuable relationship is overlooked. This enhancement helps you leverage trusted relationships to drive more revenue.

For any questions or feedback, please contact us at We look forward to hearing how this new feature improves your SmallWorld experience!

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April 8, 2024

Introducing Bulk Company Upload and Relationship Leads for Super Connectors

We’re excited to announce two powerful new features designed to enhance your SmallWorld experience: Bulk Company Upload and Relationship Leads.

What’s a Relationship Lead?

A Relationship Lead is a verified “strong” or “very strong” relationship into one of your target accounts. Data from enterprise customers shows a 72% conversion rate on introduction requests made from Relationship Leads, making this a more powerful and predictable way for you to build your pipeline and access senior-level decision-makers for important deals.

To receive Relationship Leads, simply add your target accounts individually or through our new CSV bulk upload feature. SmallWorld will identify other Super Connectors with “strong” relationships into your target prospects, helping you discover faster paths to your key targets. Relationship Leads are refreshed daily, and you’ll receive weekly reminders if you have any leads in your queue that you haven’t saved or dismissed.

Bulk Company Upload

To make it easier for you to manage your target accounts, we’ve introduced Bulk Company Upload. Now, you can add your entire territory by uploading a CSV file. This allows you to see all the opportunities for warm introductions across our network quickly and efficiently. Simply click on the Settings gear icon, select Add Target Companies, and upload your CSV to explore all potential paths into your target prospects.

Maximize Your Relationship Leads

The more relationships you rate, the more opportunities you create. Encourage your network to join SmallWorld and rate their relationships to maximize the number of Relationship Leads you receive daily.

We’ve received fantastic feedback from users securing key meetings and building strong connections through these new features. We invite you to explore Bulk Company Upload and Relationship Leads today and see how they can transform your results!

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March 6, 2024

Super Connectors Network Launch

We are excited to announce that SmallWorld is revolutionizing how companies like Cloudflare, Cordial, and ThreeFlow secure credible referrals and warm introductions. Our platform drives conversion rates of 55% on introduction requests, and now we’re taking it a step further with the launch of our new network, Super Connectors.

Super Connectors offers a more authentic way for individual salespeople to access referrals and warm introductions through an extended network of trusted relationships. Unlike traditional methods that rely on “mutual connections” on LinkedIn, SmallWorld uniquely threads together relationship strength data, ensuring you only see people with whom you have a trusted relationship in common. This creates “small world” moments, unlocking access to key target prospects through the power of trust.

Our system is designed with privacy and anonymity in mind, giving you complete control over your network and accessibility. We invite you to join the Super Connectors network today and see how it can transform your Q1 results!

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November 20, 2023

Chrome Extension for Relationship Syncing

We are excited to announce the release of our Chrome extension to all SmallWorld Connectors! Personalizing your account with your relationships is now incredibly easy and your network will better stay in sync between platforms:

1) Setup is 3 clicks - no more requesting an export and importing to SmallWorld.

2) New LI connections will automatically be added to your relationships.

3) Job changes within your network will be instantaneously updated.

Even if you completed the manual export/import in the past, we highly reccomend installing the extension. Our identity resolution will ensure duplicates aren't created and we'll just add new relationships or update work history on existing ones. After download, you'll be prompted for your SmallWorld login information and the process will automatically kick off. SmallWorld will quickly grab your relationships, then we'll email you when your network has been intelligently sorted.

Ready to install the extension? Visit the Chrome Store

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September 25, 2023

Saleforce App Upgrades

The new version of our Salesforce app is officially live on the AppExchange! This major release gives users the ability to take action on Relationship Leads from within Salesforce and to automatically sync their Target Accounts from Salesforce.

Relationship Leads:

Since the release of Relationship Leads to the core platform last month, we've heard from many customers that checking new leads has become part of their daily workflow. With the Relationship Leads queue now in Salesforce, we've given them an easy way to see what's new in SmallWorld, without having to ever visit the platform.

Requesters and Admins can now hide a lead, save it for later or request an intro from the new, dedicated SmallWorld page!

Target Company Sync:

Requesters and Admins have always been able to add Target Companies for introductions to SmallWorld but have had to manually keep them in sync with their ever-changing territories. With this new feature, Admins just need to complete a one-time setup to enable the sync for all Requesters, then set rules for which companies should be added to SmallWorld. Each night accounts are updated, so Requesters and Connectors always have an accurate picture of introduction targets in SmallWorld.

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August 28, 2023

Relationship Leads Queue

A queue of new Relationship Leads
A queue of new Relationship Leads

As the volume of rated relationships from Connectors has continued to increase, our customers have been seeking an easier way to make real relationships more actionable and prominent for their sales teams.

With “Relationship Leads”, registered Requesters can quickly save, hide, or initiate an introduction request with every “strong” or "very strong" relationship within their Target Accounts.

In many cases, strategic AEs are building their deal teams, org charts, and strategy for multi-threading where “saving” a relationship lead is the most appropriate action. In other cases, an intro request is suitable as AEs build their pipelines and create new opportunities into target accounts.

As important, Connectors now know their ratings are surfacing front and center when it matters most.

With conversion rates on SmallWorld introduction requests well over 55%, engaging "Relationship Leads" has become an important part of the daily routine for many active users.

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July 12, 2023

Relationship AI

AI created relationships
AI created relationships

We are excited to announce the launch of SmallWorld’s relationship AI as part of our offering for new enterprise customers!

Through relationship AI, customers can get started with SmallWorld without the dependency on Connectors uploading relationships into our system as we can automatically source the most relevant relationships for Connectors, whether it’s work history, recommendations, or communities where they engage.

By seeding accounts with these relationships and confirming relationship strength between the Connectors and prospective customers, we are arming teams with new “relationship leads” every day and giving new Connectors a new reason to further personalize their dashboards.

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April 18, 2023

Connector Gmail Integration

LinkedIn has been an excellent data source for professional connections but personal relationships tend to live outside the platform. With SmallWorld's new Gmail integration, people you communicate with frequently are automatically created as relationships in the system. Simply authorize the app with your Google credentials and SmallWorld will do the rest. The content of your emails remains private and SmallWorld will filter out businesses, marketing emails, etc.

In addition to Gmail and LinkedIn, SmallWorld can import data from any personal CRMs or contact managers!

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January 31, 2023

Connector Email Templates

Connector Template Demo
Connector Template Demo

While every introduction is unique, the communication surrounding them tends to be similar. With that in mind we've added Connector templates, so you won't have to manually craft emails each time you make an introduction. Saved templates can be turned into email drafts with a single click, with details specific to each introduction automatically populating.

In addition to the default templates, Connectors that want to fully customize their messages can create their own templates.  Building your own allows you to personalize your outreach while saving you time on every introduction request.

To view or build a template, head to Settings in your Connector account and select "Your Template Library"

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December 8, 2022

Connector Leaderboard

SmallWorld Connector Leaderboard
SmallWorld Connector Leaderboard

Connectors can now see how they rank against others within the network of their company. After logging in and selecting Leaderboard from the main menu, Connectors and account admins can see a stack ranking in 3 different categories:

1) Successful Introductions

2) Most Suggested Introduction

3) % of Target Profiles Rated (Ratings of relationship strength on connections that match the company ICP)

With this new feature, Connectors can be recognized by the companies they are helping and engage in friendly competitions with peers!

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October 28, 2022

Unlocking 3rd and 4th degree relationships for automatic pipeline generation

A screenshot showing inferred relationships
A screenshot showing inferred relationships

We are excited to announce the release of “Inferred Relationships” within the SmallWorld platform and Salesforce integration. This release gives reps an entirely new path of engagement that’s simply not visible through traditional relationship intelligence solutions.

By capturing and translating predictive clues like work history, recommendations, comments, location, etc. about relationships, the SmallWorld AI engine can now help sales and marketing teams interpret and discover 3rd and 4th degree paths of connectivity into target prospects.

For example, when a SmallWorld Connector indicates (with 100% accuracy) a “very strong” relationship with Jane Doe, our AI instantly discovers Jane’s work history and reveals her direct access into target companies the sales team is actively pursuing.

Activating inferred relationships ultimately helps companies automate pipeline generation even further and unlocks doors of new opportunity through trusted relationships.  

Please contact us to learn more!

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October 7, 2022

Request an Introduction within your Salesforce instance with the new SmallWorld Salesforce app!

A screenshot showing the SmallWorld application on a Lead Page in Salesforce
A screenshot showing the SmallWorld application on a Lead Page in Salesforce

We're happy to announce that our new Salesforce application went through final security approval by Salesforce and is now available on the AppExchange!

SmallWorld surfaces paths for warm introductions directly from any Account, Lead, Contact or Opportunity page. Rather than rely on cold outreach into target accounts, SmallWorld helps you leverage the power of warm introductions to build pipeline and accelerate conversion rates on active deals.

For more details, view SmallWorld on the App Exchange.

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September 21, 2022

Now integrating with 3rd Party Intent Data!

A screenshot showing intent data from G2
A screenshot showing intent data from G2

We're excited to announce a new feature currently in Beta that will help sales and marketing teams leverage 3rd party intent data from sources like 6sense, Bombora, G2 and more!

Through our Salesforce integration, we can now pull in any intent data that lives on any Lead, Contact, Account, or Opportunity within your Salesforce instance. So whether you use 6sense, or Bombora – or you use 1st party intent data from lead forms or free trial signups – we can help surface this intent data to make it more actionable for your reps. We'll also surface to your Connectors when they have meaningful relationships with people at companies who are showing high intent signals.

We're currently recruiting customers to be added to the beta. For more information reach out to

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For information on major product updates prior to Q3 of 2022, please reach out to