Product Update

Saleforce App Upgrades

The new version of our Salesforce app is officially live on the AppExchange! This major release gives users the ability to take action on Relationship Leads from within Salesforce and to automatically sync their Target Accounts from Salesforce.

Relationship Leads:

Since the release of Relationship Leads to the core platform last month, we've heard from many customers that checking new leads has become part of their daily workflow. With the Relationship Leads queue now in Salesforce, we've given them an easy way to see what's new in SmallWorld, without having to ever visit the platform.

Requesters and Admins can now hide a lead, save it for later or request an intro from the new, dedicated SmallWorld page!

Target Company Sync:

Requesters and Admins have always been able to add Target Companies for introductions to SmallWorld but have had to manually keep them in sync with their ever-changing territories. With this new feature, Admins just need to complete a one-time setup to enable the sync for all Requesters, then set rules for which companies should be added to SmallWorld. Each night accounts are updated, so Requesters and Connectors always have an accurate picture of introduction targets in SmallWorld.

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